The QueryBuilder

So far, queries have been executed by mapping fields and their corresponding data for each type or instance of that type. Generating the necessary SQL sentences to perform the CRUD operations discussed earlier.

However, the SQL language offers a wealth of additional power to analyze and manipulate data stored in tables. Specifically, we are referring to the SQL clauses that function as filters.



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Canyon provides support for making queries over your entities more flexible. These queries are also defined in the CanyonCrud macro and belong to a family called QueryBuilder, which include three types representing the SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE operations. These types implement the QueryBuilder trait.

  • The SelectQueryBuilder, is invoked after calling T::select_query()
  • The UpdateQueryBuilder, is invoked after calling T::update_query()
  • The DeleteQueryBuilder, is invoked after calling T::delete_query()

How does it work?

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The macro implementations provide various associated functions or methods that return an implementor of the QueryBuilder type. These can be used as a builder pattern to construct the query that Canyon will use to retrieve data from the database. These functions also contain a query() consumer method, which consumes the builder and executes the query against the database, returning the data.

The QueryBuilder works by generating the base SQL, similar to the CRUD operations presented in the previous chapters. However, instead of executing the query, it allows the user to chain methods over a QueryBuilder instance. With each method call, the query builder generates more SQL content, enabling an efficient and elegant solution to build more complex queries.

Available methods to work with the builder

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"Hablar de la raĆ­z de la familia"

Method calls can be chained over a QueryBuilder implementor. This allows building a more complex query when needed. By returning &mut Self, the user may access the same instance of the QueryBuilder and modify its internal state until consumed.

To understand the capabilities of the QueryBuilder, let's review the available declarations, which are the available methods in all the implementors.

To see more about the capabilities of the QueryBuilder, below are the available methods of its implementors:

fn main() {
pub trait QueryBuilder<'a, T>
    where T: CrudOperations<T> + Transaction<T> + RowMapper<T> 
    /// Returns a read-only reference to the underlying SQL sentence with the same lifetime as self.
    fn read_sql(&'a self) -> &'a str;

    /// Allows the user to append the content of a string slice to the
    /// end of the underlying SQL sentence.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `sql` - The [`&str`] to be appended to the SQL query.
    fn push_sql(&mut self, sql: &str);

    /// Generates a `WHERE` SQL clause for constraining the query based on a column name and a binary comparison operator.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `column` - A `FieldValueIdentifier` that will provide the target column name and the value for the filter.
    /// * `op` - Any type that implements the `Operator` trait.
    fn r#where<Z: FieldValueIdentifier<'a, T>>(&mut self, column: Z, op: impl Operator) -> &mut Self
        where T: Debug + CrudOperations<T> + Transaction<T> + RowMapper<T>;

    /// Generates an `AND` SQL clause for constraining the query based on a column name and a binary comparison operator.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `column` - A `FieldValueIdentifier` that will provide the target column name and the value for the  filter.
    /// * `op` - A type that implements `Operator` for the comparison.
    fn and<Z: FieldValueIdentifier<'a, T>>(&mut self, column: Z, op: impl Operator) -> &mut Self;

    /// Generates an `OR` SQL clause for constraining the query based on a column name and a set of values that are contained within the column.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `column` - A `FieldIdentifier` for the column name.
    /// * `values` - An array of `QueryParameter` with the values that are contained within the column.
    fn and_values_in<Z, Q>(&mut self, column: Z, values: &'a [Q]) -> &mut Self
            Z: FieldIdentifier<T>,
            Q: QueryParameters<'a>;

    /// Generates an `OR` SQL clause for constraining the query based on a column name and a set of values that are contained within the column.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `column` - A `FieldIdentifier` that will provide the target column name for the filter.
    /// * `values` - An array of `QueryParameter` with the values to filter.
    fn or_values_in<Z, Q>(&mut self, r#or: Z, values: &'a [Q]) -> &mut Self
        where Z: FieldIdentifier<T>, Q: QueryParameters<'a>;

    /// Generates an `OR` SQL clause for constraining the query based on a column name and a binary comparison operator.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `column` - A `FieldValueIdentifier` that will provide the target column name and the value for the filter.
    /// * `op` - Any type that implements `Operator` for the comparison
    fn or<Z: FieldValueIdentifier<'a, T>>(&mut self, column: Z, op: impl Operator) -> &mut Self;

    /// Generates an `ORDER BY` SQL clause for ordering the results of the query.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `order_by`: A `FieldIdentifier` for the column name.
    /// * `desc`: A boolean indicating whether ordering should be ascending or descending.
    fn order_by<Z: FieldIdentifier<T>>(&mut self, order_by: Z, desc: bool) -> &mut Self;

Note: The 'Like' clause will be included in a later release.

This will provide you with an idea of the functions performed by the chained methods on the instance. These methods essentially append additional SQL code to the base code to filter the results or execute a particular operation based on your requirements.

The QueryBuilder implementors

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Each QueryBuilder implementor provides a public interface that contains the methods discussed above, as well as its logical operations. For instance, calling T::select_query() returns a SelectQueryBuilder, which offers an interface to add JOIN clauses to the SQL statement. Currently, LEFT, RIGHT, INNER and FULL joins are available. the inner_join() method signature is:

fn main() {
pub fn inner_join(&mut self, join_table: &str, col1: &str, col2: &str) -> &mut Self;

Where join_table is the entity to perform the join, and col1 and col2 are the columns to declare in the ON clause. The other join methods have the same parameters.

The T::update_query() builds an UPDATE statement, providing all the methods defined in the QueryBuilder trait declaration. Additionally, it includes a set() method:

fn main() {
pub fn set<Z, Q>(&mut self, columns: &'a [(Z, Q)]) -> &mut Self
        Z: FieldIdentifier<T> + Clone,
        Q: QueryParameter<'a>

You may use it as follows:

fn main() {
let mut q: UpdateQueryBuilder<Player> = Player::update_query_datasource(SQL_SERVER_DS);
        (PlayerField::summoner_name, "Random updated player name"),
        (PlayerField::first_name, "I am an updated first name"),
    .r#where(PlayerFieldValue::id(&1), Comp::Gt)
    .and(PlayerFieldValue::id(&8), Comp::Lt)
    .expect("Failed to update records with the querybuilder");

Notice the array of tuples. The first element is the column to target, and the second is the value to update in the database column.

Finally, T::delete_query() constructs a DELETE statement.

fn main() {
    .r#where(TournamentFieldValue::id(&14), Comp::Gt)
    .and(TournamentFieldValue::id(&16), Comp::Lt)
    .expect("Error connecting to the database during the delete operation");

The Comp enum type

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The QueryBuilder require a comparison operator in some of its methods. This is created from the Comp enum type, which is passed as a parameter to the methods that require it. Allowing you to generate comparison operators in a procedural manner.

The available operators are:

fn main() {
pub enum Comp {
    /// Operator "=" equal
    /// Operator "!=" not equal
    /// Operator ">" greater than <value>
    /// Operator ">=" greater than or equal to <value>
    /// Operator "<" less than <value>
    /// Operator "=<" less than or equal to <value>

Better by example

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Using the QueryBuilder might be confusing at first. Specially for developers that are not accustomed to the builder pattern. However, with practice, developers will see that it is a very practical way of querying.

Let's consider an example where we are working once again with the League type: we want to retrieve all records in the league table with id less than 20 and slug equal to LCK.

fn main() {
let leagues: Result<Vec<League>, _> = League::select_query()
        LeagueFieldValue::id(20),    // This will create a filter -> `WHERE < 20`
        Comp::Lt                     // where the `<` symbol is generated by Canyon when it sees this variant
    .expect("Query failed");

println!("League elements: {:?}", &leagues);

The remaining methods that can be chained are self-explanatory. You can chain as many methods as needed. Make sure that the methods are chained properly to avoid errors.

In addition, if needing more examples, you can visit our repository's /tests/crud folder and refer to the tests. There you will find code examples for all available operations within the Canyon query builders.

Now, you may be wondering where LeagueField, LeagueFieldValue(T), FieldIdentifier, and FieldValueIdentifier types and bounds come from.

The #[derive(Fields)] macro

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When working with SQL, it is often necessary to specify the column name or type of a column in some operations. To avoid using raw or literal values, we created the #[derive(Fields)] derive macro. This macro generates special enumerated types that allows the user to refer to a database column name, type or value in a procedural way. It replaces the string that is usually used with a piece of valid Rust code.

Rest assured that Canyon translates these procedures into the corresponding identifiers whenever they are needed. Let's take a closer look at these two types.

The Field enum

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The field enum is an autogenerated enum that serves to relate each field of a type with a database column name in a procedural way, making it easier to reflect them through the code.

The identifier of the Field enum is generated as the concatenation of the type's identifier with "Field". It is important to note that there is a naming convention in Canyon, where the variants of an enumeration in Rust are typically written in PascalCase, while in Canyon they are written in snake_case to match the way that the field is written.

For example:

fn main() {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum LeagueField {

impl FieldIdentifier<LeagueField> for LeagueField {}

When directly interacting with a database, it is common to refer to a column using a plain string. That is a problem, because the compiler wouldn't be able to detect any mistake until it attempts to make the query. We, Rust developers, didn't choose this language in order to have runtime errors.

Therefore, whenever a concrete column of the league table must be specified, such as the slug column, you could write LeagueField::slug. While this may seem like more code, it removes the potential errors that can come with using literals in the code. IDEs can also offer autocompletion, making it easier to write and detect wrong variants.

The impl FieldIdentifier<LeagueField> for LeagueField {} trait implementation is part of Canyon's method of identifying when it must accept a FieldIdentifier type as an argument for functions that generate filters for queries, or when constraining the concrete arguments of some operations of the QueryBuilder to the same type. This helps to avoid potential errors of specifying variants or different types, and is almost always used when you generate a filter for your SQL query.

The FieldValue enum

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In addition to the Field enum, another enum is generated by the canyon_entity proc-macro annotation, known as the FieldValue enum. This enum serves as a procedural way to determine which field is being referred to, but with the added capability of accepting a value as an argument in every variant. This value can be any supported literal or type for which the QueryParameter<'a> is implemented. The main purpose of this enum is to create filters for an SQL query where the filter needs a value to perform the filtering.

The FieldValue enum looks like this:

fn main() {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum LeagueFieldValue {
    id(&dyn QueryParameter<'_>),
    ext_id(&dyn QueryParameter<'_>),
    slug(&dyn QueryParameter<'_>), 
    name(&dyn QueryParameter<'_>), 
    region(&dyn QueryParameter<'_>), 
    image_url(&dyn QueryParameter<'_>)

impl FieldIdentifierValue<LeagueFieldValue> for LeagueFieldValue {}

Using the FieldValue enum provides a powerful way of writing filters for SQL queries. For instance, LeagueFieldValue::id(1) can be used to generate a WHERE clause filter: WHERE = 1, among other operations.

Next steps

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Now that Querybuilder has been discussed, the next chapter is about Migrations. Where everything that have been discussed up until now will be wrapped into the full package that Canyon provides. See you there!