UPDATE operations

Update operations involve altering the values in the database with new ones. Canyon offer developers an easy way to perform operations on a specific instance of a given T type that was properly set up.

Considering the following League instance:

fn main() {
let mut lec: League = League::new(
    "League Europe Champions".to_string(),
    "EU West".to_string(),
    image_url: "https://lec.eu".to_string()

Suppose that the image_url field has to be modified. It can be done as follows:

fn main() {
// modify the field first
lec.image_url = "https://new_lec_url.eu".to_string();
// synchronize the changes with the database
lec.update().await; // unused result

image_url is a public field, so it can be modified at will. Some objects require validation before making changes. In such cases, usually the fields will be private. Although getters and setters should be also available for interacting with the fields.

When running the update instructions, an "update row request" with all the new fields will be made with the database. Synchronizing the new state with the database.

There is no need to call update more than once. Make all the changes that are required, call update once, then all the changes will be reflected to the database.

Note: Don't forget about using _datasources methods when not using the default datasource.

Note: If a #[primary_key] does not exist on the type declaration, the update methods for it will not be generated.