Initial Setup

Minimum Requirements

Canyon is a versatile tool that combines a database manager, ORM, and query builder to create your persistence layer with ease. However, before using the framework, a minimum setup is required.

Supported database engines

At present, Canyon supports the following database engines:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MSSQL (SqlServer)

The development team is planning to add support for additional database engines in the future. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using PostgreSQL.

Downloading the PostgreSQL engine

To use Canyon with PostgreSQL, an active installation of PostgreSQL is required. If you are an experienced user and have already installed PostgreSQL, you can skip this section.

Installation and instructions can be found in the official website. Choose your operation system. If using Linux, more instructions can be found for each specific distro by searching in the web.

Add Canyon-SQL as a dependency

To create a new Rust project from scratch. Run:

# Replace project-name with the project name
cargo new project-name

In the existing project, open Cargo.toml to include the new dependency.

# Cargo.toml

# More dependencies and configurations

canyon_sql = 0.1.0^

Compiling will now download canyon_sql to the project. The ^ symbol tells the compiler to use version "0.1.0 or higher".

cargo build

Fetching from Github

Cargo can fetch the latest updates directly from the Canyon-SQL GitHub repository. These will include the latest changes that aren't included in a specific release.

Include the following lines to Cargo.toml:

# Cargo.toml

canyon_sql = { git = "" }

To fetch from a specific branch, such as the development branch, specify as follows:

# Cargo.toml

canyon_sql = { git = "", branch = "development" }

Building the project

After including Canyon-SQL as a dependency in Cargo.toml. The crate can be built with:

# When in project root
cargo build

If everything is set up correctly, the build process will complete successfully. However, if the canyon.toml file is not found, the following error will appear:

fn main() {
error: custom attribute panicked
  --> src\
17 | #[canyon]
   | ^^^^^^^^^
   = help: message:

           No file --> canyon.toml <-- founded on the root of this project.
           Please, ensure that you created one .toml file with the necesary properties needed in order to connect to the database.

           : Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "The system can't found the specified file." }


A file named canyon.toml is required to run Canyon-SQL. It should be located in the root directory of the project. canyon.toml contains the necessary properties required to connect to the database. Next chapter will explain how to configure it.