// pub connection: Connection<Socket, NoTlsStream>, // TODO Hold it, or not to hold it... that's the question!
{name = 'PostgresDS', auth = { postgresql = { basic = { username = "postgres", password = "postgres" } } }, properties.host = 'localhost', properties.db_name = 'triforce', properties.migrations='enabled' },
{name = 'SqlServerDS', auth = { sqlserver = { basic = { username = "sa", password = "SqlServer-10" } } }, properties.host = '', properties.port = 3340, properties.db_name = 'triforce2', properties.migrations='disabled' },
{name = 'MysqlDS', auth = { mysql = { basic = { username = "root", password = "root" } } }, properties.host = '', properties.port = 3340, properties.db_name = 'triforce2', properties.migrations='disabled' }
{name = 'PostgresDS', auth = { postgresql = { basic = { username = "postgres", password = "postgres" } } }, properties.host = 'localhost', properties.db_name = 'triforce', properties.migrations='enabled' },
{name = 'SqlServerDS', auth = { sqlserver = { basic = { username = "sa", password = "SqlServer-10" } } }, properties.host = '', properties.port = 3340, properties.db_name = 'triforce2', properties.migrations='disabled' }
{name = 'MysqlDS', auth = { mysql = { basic = { username = "root", password = "root" } } }, properties.host = '', properties.port = 3340, properties.db_name = 'triforce2', properties.migrations='disabled' }